A Japanese children's song, "Kaeru no uta" - a song of flogs

Aug 07, 2012 at 17:21
Aug 07, 2012 at 17:21

When I am relaxed, I can meet this kind of

wonderful moment.  *1

Green flog is called "Aogaeru" in Japanese.  *2

Generally, the blue (ao in Japanese) color

is a color like blue sky.  *3

But when we want to say that the traffic

light is green in Japanese, we say that  

"Shingoo wa ao desu".  *4




*1 (Watashi ga) Rirakkusu shiteirutoki (watashi wa) konna sutekina shunkan ni   


*2  Green flog (or tree flog) wa nihongo de aogaeru to iimasu.

*3  Futsuu nihongo no ao wa aozora no yoona iro desu.

*4  Demo (watashitachi ga) "The traffic light is green" to nihongo de iitaitoki (watashitachi

     wa) "shingoo wa ao desu" to iimasu.


Green is "Midori" in Japanese

I would like to introduce a children's song, dooyoo (<- douyou), "Kaeru no uta" from You-tube. I did not know that this song is a German originated song.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU0X8YED0P4&feature=related  with Hiragana writing


The tytle I remember is "Kaeru no uta", not "Kaeru no gasshoo".

And "ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge kwa kwa kwa", not " ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke".